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Session Time Slots And Fee Information
Playgroup fees:
£21.00 per 3 hour session (9am - 12pm) (12pm - 3pm)
We also offer a lunch club daily from 12pm - 1pm at a cost of £7.00
There is no lunch club on a Thursday and the nursery closes at 12pm.
If a child’s fees remain un-paid after 2 weeks, the child’s place could be terminated. Any outstanding fees after 2 weeks will be re-invoiced with a 7 day payment period. However, if you are having difficulty paying your fees please speak to a member of staff straightaway and we will try to come to a suitable arrangement.
Snack Fee:
Parents/Carers are requested to pay a snack fee which is to cover purchases of food for children’s snack time, cooking ingredients etc. This is payable termly or yearly.
£8 per term (Autumn, Spring and Summer) or
£24 per year.
All fees can be paid by cash, card, or bank transfer and are payable in advance, weekly, monthly or termly.
Fees will be charged in full when a child is absent due to sickness or holiday, this is necessary to cover the costs that the playgroup still incur while your child is absent.
All children receive 15 hours per week, under the Government Free Entitlement, starting the term after the term in which they are 3 years.
Childcare vouchers, Child / working tax credits are accepted; please feel free to contact us for staff for further details.
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