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Fee Policy

At our Playgroup we believe in open communication with all parents/carers and staff. Therefore, this fee structure will assist everyone to understand our charging.

Opening times: We are open term times only, from Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 3:00pm, excluding Thursday when we close at 12:00pm.

Pricing: Fees are payable weekly, monthly or termly in advance and reviewed annually in January each year. Any changes to current rates will be advised in writing, at least one term in advance.

Illness/absence: No refund will be given in the event of a child’s absence due to illness, holiday or any other reason. Closures: Should the Playgroup be unable to open due to bad weather or any other unforeseen circumstances, parents will be refunded for a chargeable session. Funded sessions are not refundable. Should closure need to take place part way through a session, a refund will not be given in this instance.

Late pick up: Children must be collected promptly at the end of a session/day. Should a parent fail to collect their child within 15 minutes of the session/day end, a late collection fee of £ 10.00 will be charged.

Late payments: If a child’s fees are not paid on the day or in advance and we have had no communication regarding a resolution, the child will not be able to attend playgroup for any hours above the ones which are claimed universally. Any outstanding fees after 7 days will be re-invoiced, and payment needs to be cleared immediately. A late payment fee of £ 10.00 will apply after the period of 7 days and each 7 complete day period thereafter. If you are experiencing financial hardship please speak in confidence to the Manager so that alternative payment arrangements can be made. If without negotiation fees are not settled, we are left with no alternative but to withdraw your child’s place in line with our Bad Debt Procedure.

Deposit Fee: A deposit of £ 25.00 is required prior to your child starting in the setting. This will be returned to you after your child has completed their first term.


Parents should give no less than 2 weeks written notice of any reduction in the contracted services, or if they wish to re-move a child from our setting. Where less than 2 weeks notice is given, Westview Playgroup reserves the right to charge in full for the contracted services in place up to the date on which the 2 weeks notice would have expired. Payment methods: Invoices can be settled by cash, card/debit card or BACS payment.

We are also registered for the on-line Government Tax Free Childcare Scheme. If you would like to pay by Bank Transfer our details are as follow: BANK: BARCLAYS ACCOUNT NAME: WESTVIEW PLAYGROUP A/C NO:00185477 SORT CODE: 20 25 42

Snacks: We ask Parents/ Carers for contribution toward snack which is to cover purchases of food for children’s snack time. We offer a healthy choice of fruits, vegetables, and toast. This is payable termly or yearly. This can be paid by cash or bank transfer.

Snack fees are: £8.00 per term (Autumn, Spring, Summer) or £24.00 per year Two years olds: Some two years olds may be eligible to receive up to 15 hours funding known as the Free for Two Scheme (FF2) which is subject to meeting certain eligibility criteria. For more information, please speak to the manager. Three and four year olds (The Universal Entitlement) All children become eligible for up to 15 hours Free Early Education the term after their third birthday. A child is entitled to Free Early Education the term after their second birthday (if eligible for three for two funding), or the term after their third birthday when claiming The Universal Entitlement, in line with the Department of Education: 




Morning sessions from 9:00am - 12:00pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday* and Friday: £21

*Thursday 9am – 12pm - £21

Afternoon sessions from 12:00pm -3:00pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: £21


Children accessing sessions outside of their Free Early Education will be charged at our current rate (£7.00) per hour. I have read and agree to the above fees policy.

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